<< MCQ 8 MCQ 9 MCQ 10 MCQ 11 >>
1. The instrument used to check specific gravity of acid in a battery is
2. The material generally used for cylinder sleeves is
3. When turning a corner,
4. The rolling resistance is because of the friction between the
5. The Diesel engine works on
6. When a gear box has four forward speeds and one reverse speed, it is said to be a
7. The basic purpose of providing caster angle on wheels is to
8. When the piston is at T.D.C, the volume above the piston in the combustion chamber is the
9. The main cause for the change in engine oil viscosity is
10. The problems caused by the wheel imbalance are
11. The forced-fed lubrication system means that the oil is delivered to the engine by
12. The connecting rod connects the piston and the
13. The commonly used antifreeze solution in automobiles is
14. The indicated power of a four-stroke engine (in watts) is equal to (where P = Mean effective pressure in N/m2, L = Length of stroke in metres, A = Cross-sectional area of the piston in m2, and N = Speed of the engine in revolutions per second (r.p.s))
15. The Diesel engines are also known as
16. The specific gravity of acid in a fully charged battery is generally
17. The gear shift lever requires two separate motions to shift gears, and the first movement
18. Which of the following oil is more viscous ?
19. Odometer is an instrument used for measurement of
20. The compression ratio in Diesel engines is ______ the petrol engine.
Automobile MCQ 10
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