1. The air resistance to a car at 20 kmph is R. The air resistance at 40 kmph will be
2. The driveshafts are connected to the differential and wheel hubs through universal joints because the universal joints
3. The two rows of cylinders in a 'V' type engine are generally arranged at
4. The characteristic that is enhanced by the use of cylinder sleeves is
5. The differential ensures that each wheel is driven at a speed which corresponds to the distance it must travel around a corner, and it consequently prevents against excessive tyre wear.
6. The crescent-shaped cavity on the piston head top surface is called as
7. The function of antilock brake system (ABS) is that is
8. The size of engine cylinder is referred in terms of its
9. The connecting rods are generally made of __________ shaped cross-section.
10. The anti-knock property of compression ignition engine fuel can be improved by adding
11. The purpose of a cylinder head gasket is to
12. A worm gear is used as the pinion for the rack and pinion type of steering gearbox, because it
13. The octane rating of petrol commerically available is
14. The rating of C.I. engine fuel (Diesel) is given by
15. Which part of the automobile tyre is subjected to greatest flexing action ?
16. The starter motor drives the crankshaft by
17. The piston compression rings are made of
18. The purpose of turning radius gauges is to measure the
19. The smooth shift mechanism of an automatic transmission reduces the degree of shock at shifting of gears.
20. The temperature at which tyre inflation pressure should be checked is
Automobile Quiz 4
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